Contact Us
Be in Touch with 2Fdeal Team Faster and Easier
To optimize the quality of our service and improve the satisfaction of our customers, we are building more means for customers to get in touch with our service team faster and easier. Please avoid sending duplicate requests as it will only increase our workload and slow down responses to you.
Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 5:30pm (GMT+8)
The turnaround time can take up to 48 hours during weekends, delay may also caused by time differences.

♦ All emails during business hours will be replied within 24 hours.
To prevent our emails being blocked by your email system, we recommend you to add our email address to your address book/whitelist. If you don't receive our reply in time, please remember to check your SPAM/JUNK folders.
♦ Built-in Customer Service
– For Pre-Sale Service (Product Consulting)

or reach doris by email
– For After-Sale Service (Order Inquiry/ Account Issue)

The response is given in 24 hours during business days, the response would be shown in the inbox of your 2fdeal account.
♦ Reach 2Fdeal team by our official social medias.
At 2Fdeal, we believe that there is only one boss, the customer! If you have any questions or suggestions, we would be delighted to hear from you!
To optimize the quality of our service and improve the satisfaction of our customers, we are building more means for customers to get in touch with our service team faster and easier. Please avoid sending duplicate requests as it will only increase our workload and slow down responses to you.
Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 5:30pm (GMT+8)
The turnaround time can take up to 48 hours during weekends, delay may also caused by time differences.

♦ All emails during business hours will be replied within 24 hours.
To prevent our emails being blocked by your email system, we recommend you to add our email address to your address book/whitelist. If you don't receive our reply in time, please remember to check your SPAM/JUNK folders.
♦ Built-in Customer Service
– For Pre-Sale Service (Product Consulting)

or reach doris by email
– For After-Sale Service (Order Inquiry/ Account Issue)

The response is given in 24 hours during business days, the response would be shown in the inbox of your 2fdeal account.
♦ Reach 2Fdeal team by our official social medias.
Google Plus:
At 2Fdeal, we believe that there is only one boss, the customer! If you have any questions or suggestions, we would be delighted to hear from you!